Thursday, December 9, 2010

Outfit of the Day: Finalizing Finals!

Today I'm in two of my exams! I've been studying like C-RAZY and I just about cannot wait until Friday night. My friends and I will most likely be celebrating the end of exams...if we're still alive. Keep your fingers crossed for me today and tomorrow as I finish up finals week!!



Sunshine and Summertime said...

aww good luck! I love your outfit too!

Harper said...

good luck on your exams! I have mine next week :) That outfit is totally something I would wear, esp the vineyard vines hat -- I love mine! <3

Gracie Beth said...

So cute! I will definitely keep you in my thoughts I know how terrible finals are!

Charleston Girl said...

Ha ha... I love that you have a Diet Coke in there. :) Gotta have some caffeine.

P.S. I'm hosting my first ever giveaway on my blog - please visit!