Saturday, November 13, 2010

Outfit of the Day: First Day of Boots!

I finally broke out the boots for the first time this fall! I was both excited and a little nervous to do it! I absolutely love these boots that I got last year and I'm working on tracking down the black pair this year! I tuck jeans into this pair and use HIGH socks to help me do so, I definitely suggest it. I'm looking forward to the fall but not so much the winter. They're calling for a super cold winter here which is not really what I bargained for...oh no! We shall see soon enough!

Now I have to go work on getting rid of my cold and get better!



Courtney said...

I love those boots! I am on the hunt for some very similar ones for myself!

Sunshine and Summertime said...

Love the outfit! I hope you feel better soon :)

Sarah Wyland said...

Cute! I'm searching for a pair (or two...) of boots myself - definitely want a pair of tall riding boots.

WorthyStyle said...

VERY cute boots! Love the outfit!