Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Eve!

A night
when little kiddies can't sleep,
when big kiddies can't either,
when us college kids are so happy to be home,
when there might be snow on the ground,
full of anticipation,
when Santy Clause will be sneaking down the chimney,
when cookies are left out on the table,
when cookies are gone in the morning,
when a house transforms,
when Advent calendars have all the little doors open--except 1,
when a tree becomes a place to snap photos under,
when you might be matching your entire family in pajamas,
when you'll never be too old for footy pajamas,
when you smile when you get a gift "From: Santa" even though you're 19,
that lasts a year,
when lots of present shaking occurs,
when everyone is "too excited to sleep" (still one of my favorite commercials),
when stockings are hung by the chimney with care,
when you head on over to church 3 hours before the service starts to get a parking spot and your "usual seat",
when you don't need a book to sing along with the songs,
when you eat a meal that is always good,
when you love everyone just a LITTLE bit more!

Merry Christmas Eve!



Cheryl said...

Merry Christmas Eve!

Cambron said...

You're right! Never too old for footy pajamas!

Merry CHRISTmas!

Charleston Girl said...

I wish I was wearing footie pajamas right now!! :)