Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Carolina Cup Week: The Bow Tie

Carolina Cup is not for the long tie. Sorry to those guys who insist on no-bow ties, but it's just the way it is. You wear a bow tie. Not only that, but you wear about as festive of a bow tie as you can find. This might mean:
Southern Proper's Topless Beau
High Cotton Ties' Spring Four Way Bow Tie
Social Primer's Sea Island Bow Tie
Southern Proper's Mint Julep Beau 
Lilly Pulitzer's Resort White Spring Fling Bow Tie (Lilly or louder, right?!)

Bow ties are the single most important MUST-HAVE for the guys on the day of Carolina Cup! For the gals, you must insist that your date dons his best beau so that you can boast  you've got the best lookin' date of them all out there!



Laura H. Garrett Photography said...

I'm from Pasadena/Baltimore, Maryland. Last year I started my own bow tie business named, Chesapeake Tides! I have had many wedding orders and many many happy customers that just love the ones they bought. I sell them on Etsy....


I would love to have some gentlemen wear my ties to the Carolina Cup!


Miss Southern Prep said...

I'm SO excited for Carolina Cup!!

The Key Prep on Campus said...

::drool:: I love a man in a bow tie. The brighter the better.

Ashley said...

YAY for Carolina Cup time! I love the Southern Proper bow ties and completely agree, no long ties for this event!