Monday, February 22, 2010

Outfit of the Day: Rain Gear

Today was a weird weather day! It started out pouring pouring pouring rain and around 8:30am there was such a big thunder crack it sounded like an earthquake. This huge cracking noise was what really woke me up before my first class today. The rain always makes my days a bit lazier, but I have a HUGE test in my anatomy and physiology class tomorrow. Check out some of my other recent Polyvores! I can't say enough how much I'm loving my new pink Target boots!!

I'm basically taking two separate A&P courses right now between my lab and lecture (which really DO NOT coincide) and for the past 2 weeks and now this week, I've had a test each week. I'm so tired and just need a break. Spring break really could not come at a better time! As of this morning, I had 36 hours of class, but not that is a little reduced. I have to keep in mind that I'll be done soon and next week will be great since I don't have any tests or big looming assignments (yet).

Between group projects, tests, giving tours, working, and helping out some friends, I have been swamped ever since the semester started. I can't believe that February is almost over! I feel like I was just saying that January was over!! Soon enough it'll be spring break and then we'll be back in school for about a month-and-a-half and then it's finals before I know it!! Wow, that's insane! Unfortunately I think I'm getting sick :( :( :( because I've had a sore throat for the past few days and today is seemed to get a lot worse. As I study here in the library, I'm sitting here with some tea so I think that should help. I better get back to work since this is the home stretch! Soon it will be warm weather here and I'll be in a warm weather destination!! Wooo Hoooo!



Single in Shaw said...

I'm so glad you shared-- I just bought those rain boots after seeing them on your blog and I can't wait to wear them!

Headbands and Hand Bags said...

Busy girl, but looking good! I love your rainy day look!

Carly A. Heitlinger said...

It just started raining up here in DC :( My rainy day outfit is not as cute as yours haha I just added bean boots (instead of my flats) and voila! I'm ready for the rain! haha

bevy said...

Feel better dearie! Can you believe THUNDER in February? Welcome to the south...

Gracie Beth said...

What a lovely outfit! I love my longchamp for the rain!

Jenna Rose Stern said...

Its drizziling in New York , yuck! at least oyu have cute boots!

Our Comfy~ Cozy Life!!!! said...

The boots are SO cute!!!!

Miss Janice said...

I have that outfit, minus the darling rain boots! How cute are they?!