Monday, September 12, 2011

Weekly Gratitude

1. I am thankful that my horrible test in Finance is over TOMORROW! #ptl

2. I am thankful I am oh so lucky and I get to see my parents ON THURSDAY! 
3. I am thankful that the Gamecocks got a HUGE win over the weekend! Muddy wins are still wins.
4. I am thankful for all the giveaways that are rolling in for y'all! Did you enter the Stadium Stompers one? Check it out ASAP! 
5. I am thankful for all of my sweet friends who sent me nice notes and left email, texts or even called on Sunday. It meant the world y'all.
6. I am thankful that my roommate was 5 minutes away when I forgot my keys when I went to church yesterday. Only me...It's a painful lesson that you learn once and you learn it well...I can tell you from firsthand experience.
7. I am thankful that today will be over before I know it! I don't stop going on Mondays from 9 to almost 6:45. 

8. I am thankful for my new/not so new but found a new love for V8 Spicy Hot! Seriously I LOVE this stuff!
9. I am thankful that I'm back in the South and can enjoy my cheese grits all the time! Yum yum yum! ...and yet I still wonder why my clothes are feeling tight sometimes.
10. I am thankful for all my new facebook fans and Twitter followers! I PROMISE I will get back to y'all and get back on my Twitter game!

Have a great week y'all and to all my fellow Gamecocks, these next two weeks of midterms will be over soon!!!


1 comment:

Bethany said...

Off to enter your fab giveaway! Love your new header and buttons. So cute. xoxo