Thursday, April 8, 2010

Get My Friend on Glee!

Hi all! I've never petitioned blogworld to help me out in any kind of way, but this would be insanely cool if you could! My junior year of high school I took chorus with this girl named Maddie and now she's auditioning for Glee! She's a finalist on the local radio station in Washington DC and they recognized her as one of the top 25 submissions for the contest!! Check out her video here:

In order to vote for her, you have to go to the website: CLICK HERE! and vote for submission #17 Madeline Myers! How cool would it be to have someone that I know on TV? Congrats to Maddie for getting this far already and I can't wait to see what else is in store! I know I'm a major Gleek and now I might even know someone on the show itself! Please sign up with your email and then just say that you don't want any of the emails that they can add your email to. I'm just going to add the email address to my spam folder and keep voting! You can vote 1 time per day per email address that you enter, so keep voting! I this is an awesome project and that Maddie is great! Good luck Maddie!!
