Wednesday, December 1, 2010

LBP a Capella

Last night I was lucky enough to be one of 300 in a standing-room only concert by SoundCheck (SC...get it...?) one of USC's a capella groups. They're the all male group and it was SO much fun!! One of the singers is an ambassador with us, so a few other ambassadors went to go support him PLUS I'd never been to an a capella show. I've seen the groups do a few exhibition type performances, but this was great! We were all grinning ear to ear and my friend and I were straight up giddy watching these guys! They were too much fun and totally hammed it up which we appreciated! Here are some of their FABulous YouTube videos:

If anyone saw my tweets from last night, they even did an Antoine Dodson "remix" that everyone was lovin'! Here's a shoutout to USC reader Sneha (you really made my night so you get a special shoutout!) and her BF, he's the one singing "Stand by Me" in that vid. We had a great time and I'm sure everyone else there did too!


PS: I am so happy no-shave November is OVER! YAY!


Ashley said...

Not to be a total creeper, but I passed you on campus yesterday, it's so weird to see the "bloggers" in person, I don't know whether to say Hey love your blog, or just keep walking haha You should check out Cocktails too, my roommate is in it and they're great too

Lilly for Law School said...

this def made my night thank you so much for sharing this with us!!!! love your blog :)