Thursday, April 21, 2011

Croquet: The Annapolis Cup

Thanks to Skyler, one of my favorite people in the world back at home for reminding me of the fabulous Annapolis tradition of THE Croquet game of St. John's College vs. the Naval Academy. It is a hallmark event in Annapolis, as any native Annapolitan will tell you. It is a traditional event where everyone dresses to the nines and you strictly follow the Annapolis dress code. The St. John's College website describes the event for this year as:

The Johnnies and the Middies face off for this year’s 29th annual Annapolis Cup competition on Saturday, April 30, at 1 p.m. on the front lawn of the St. John's College campus.  Spectators picnic on the lawn, swing dance, dress in Gatsby-like fashions, and listen to the St. John’s Freshman Chorus and the U.S. Naval Academy’s Trident Brass Band.

Facts from St. John's College about the match:
1. St. John’s has won the Annapolis Cup 23 out of 28 matches; the Mids have taken the trophy five times.
2. The day before the match, the Johnnies have lunch with the Mids at the Academy mess hall, where the Imperial Wicket for the Johnnies formally challenges the Mids to a match.
3. Courtesy and good sportsmanship are expected of all players. No players may throw a mallet or hit a ball in protest or anger. No trash talk is allowed
4. The match opens with music. The St. Johns’ freshman chorus sings and the Naval Academy Trident Brass band plays. The Johnnies emerge in their surprise uniforms. At 1 p.m., the ceremonial first ball is truck and champagne bottles pop open.

Check out a FABULOUS slideshow with previous years' photos here!! The pictures are from my hometown newspaper, so I can't post them directly, but DEFINITELY check them out!!



WorthyStyle said...

I may be going... hmmmm

pittsburghprepster said...

I will be there!

Casey said...

I had no idea such a thing existed. I'm very surprised the Navy plays croquet!