Thursday, May 26, 2011

Feeling Famous!

Local delish bakery, Caroline's Cakes is going to be THE Caramel Cake of the movie "The Help"!

If any of you read the novel, you're aware that these cakes are almost a character in them self! I am so excited because we are frequent customers over at Caroline's and my mom has even sent me 2 while I've been at school! (I'm so lucky!)

I read "The Help" last summer after my mom read it and passed it along to her friends. Needless to say I read it in a couple of days and loved it! I am so excited to see if the movie does it justice. Check out the trailer here:

The Caramel Cake from Caroline's is easily my favorite and I look forward to any time we get them. I can't wait to see a little local celebrity on the silver screen when the movie comes out!!



Anonymous said...

I saw this trailer and thought the movie looked good. I didn't know it was based on a book, now I have to get the book :)

pittsburghprepster said...

Best Book ever...and how amazing! Looks so good! I am so hungry as we speak!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THESE CAKES. Literally, the caramel cake is the best thing I've ever eaten. I ordered one for Christmas last year and while I totally gained 5 pounds from the cake, it was absolutely delicious and I enjoyed every bite!

Unknown said...

OHHH MYY GOODNESS!! I just finished this book a few weeks ago and LOVED IT!!! I am thrilled the movie will be coming out in august!!!