Lilly Pulitzer Nadja Dress
Jack Rogers
North Face Borealis Backpack (with my initials of "CAR" in hot pink embroidered on there!)
Lifeguard Press for Lilly Pulitzer Large Agenda in "Nice to See You"
South Carolina Palmetto Tervis Tumbler (filled to the brim with diet coke, of course!)
I am SO excited for today to begin! My first class starts at 9:30 and I'm in class straight until 3:15! Just like high school! I am ready to be in a good rhythm of classes and a few workout classes. I am hoping to get into a good pattern and have a GREAT semester! I'm taking a bunch of business classes and 1 health promotion, education and behavior class (my minor) so I have a great spread of topics!
Happy First Day of School y'all!
What did you/do you study in college? Are there any essentials that you can't live without?
Adorable outfit! I can't wait to be back at school with a schedule again.
Have a great first day!
Your dress is so pretty! I love reading everyone's back to school blog posts - it makes me even more excited to o back to school in a couple of weeks =) Hope you have a great first day!
I'd love to see a photo of your monogrammed backpack, where did you put the monogram?!
I have class from 9:30 - 3:15 straight too, I am trying to decide how to eat/what to pack for lunch that will be appropriate for the schedule. Have a great first day!
My first day isn't until Monday and I'm still debating on what I want to wear! Your outfit is super cute! And I have a class at 8 in the morning this semester (ugh! I know, but I had no choice) so I will be running off of cokes and coffee this semester.
Good luck this semester and I hope you had a fabulous first day!
Emily Ruth
Love your outfit! It's so cute! Good luck with your first day of classes :)
I love your first day outfit, too cute! I am jealous, my school is still on quarters so I don't start until Sept.
Hope your first day was great! I'm sure I did NOT see you on campus, because that outfit is adorable and I would have remembered!
I am so jealous that you get to dress so cute down at USC. I got to Appalachian and it's already chilly here! We start next week and I'll most likely be wearing jeans :( I hope your first day of classes is wonderful! I'm so excited to start back to-- it's my senior year and last semester before student teaching!!
I bet you looked so cute on your first day!!
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