Monday, September 17, 2012

Tailgate City, USA: The Spread

For the next few days, I'm kicking off this Tailgate City series!

Thanks to Swoozie's, we had a FULL tailgate spread over the weekend. The spread is the most important part to your tailgate. The spread is any and everything including tables, food, plates, cups, platters and everything in between!
Swoozie's sent us SO much fun Gamecock stuff! We had plenty to use, share, and keep using for the rest of the season!
Before we set up our official spread, I was playing around as we unpacked the car. Here's the best Heisman I could come up with with that HUGE Gamecock burlap football!
Not only did we have an awesome, full spread, but it was ALL Gamecock Gameday themed!
These buckets were a HUGE hit along with the Gamecock 1801 platters! Since it was LBP's birthday, I got some cupcakes that people enjoyed munching on all day long!
Ever seen a redneck wine glass? Our whole crew was sporting them all day!
Swoozie's even included a personalized one for me!

This was DEFINITELY the most fun I've ever had at a tailgate! I love being a Swoozie's Sweetheart and I can't wait to bring y'all more fun things as a partner with them!

MAJOR thanks to Swoozie's, Ashley with Swoozie's and the entire crew for helping me host, organize, and work our entire tailgate! Happy tailgate season y'all!!


1 comment:

Books, Beauty, and Bars on a Budget said...

All of the tailgating decor is so cute! Love your USC Jacks :)